Social Initiatives

Socially aware entrepreneurs go beyond the obligations imposed on them by law as the part of the money their companies earn is spent for social purposes.

He believes that money is a means to realize dreams and to pursue passions rather than the purpose itself. He pursues many of his own passions but still he is not satisfied. He used to say that he is a responsible, organic entrepreneur, working with people and for people. He supports creating a better reality because he is deeply convinced that it is an obvious duty of the entrepreneur. Consequently, he gets involved in philanthropic activities. He cares about the prospects as well as the passions of others. He used to select from among many organizations turning to him for support for such outstanding initiatives which work in harmony with his own philosophy of life and are basically close to his heart.

Thus, a long-term cooperation with Siemacha which helps to level children’s educational and social opportunities – his way of teaching is to give a person a fishing rod instead of the proverbial fish.

He has always been associated with Kasprowy and the Tatra Mountains and gets involved in initiatives created to develop and protect the nature, society, culture and history of one of the most beautiful Polish regions.