Everyone who wishes to analyse a month of Rafał Sonik’s life will arrive at the conclusion that Life itself is the passion of this entrepreneur and sportsman from Krakow. He is one of those people who described as “volcanoes of energy”. His mind is always running at full capacity and inspires people around him, often flooding them with numerous ideas, concepts and solutions to problems which might have seemed insurmountable obstacles.
His passion is work and to work Sonik devotes almost every spare second of his existence, using his cell phone to stay in touch with the professional area of his life. This device seems to always be in his hand, receiving a never-ending stream of text messages about a vast array of issues. Controlling such diversified conversation and remaining fully focused makes him a real demon of reality organisation. Sometimes, it happens that during rallies, Sonik is carrying four cell phones.
If you want to rest, rest actively. Rafał Sonik is a sports enthusiast. There is hardly any discipline that he wouldn’t have tried to engage in. When he sets off to drive through African, European or South American wilderness during rallies, his mind runs on adrenaline while petrol is flowing in his veins. As he admits, he quit tennis because he needed something more than just hitting a ball on the tennis court. Skiing, which has accompanied with Sonik since he the age of three, has always been a great source of emotions for him. He still loves to windsurf and is interested in aviation (he has flown more than 400 hours), but the love of his life are quads and perfecting the art of driving across all possible types of terrain.
To sum up, you could say that Rafał Sonik’s passion is pursuing perfection in every area of his life, including the professional and sport-related fields. Projects implemented by his companies must be fit down to the smallest detail and, therefore, his work always starts with meticulous planning and logistical preparations. The same applies to sports where how you position the smallest switch on a quad is important, where you have to perfectly read the shape of sand dunes, navigate and cover the distances of meandering mountain roads.
Rafał Sonik’s already busy calendar can still accommodate regular hobbies that don’t require him to compete to become number one. They are a source of great pleasure and, like well-selected spices or wine, give his life some flavour. He is interested in modern architecture and travelling, which allows him to get to know himself and the world better. This motivates him to pass on staying in five-star hotels, choose a tent or a camper instead, and squeeze the essence of life out of every day.